Car Accidents

Car Accidents are common nowadays, especially during the night. During 2017, in Bacolod City, records from the BCPO have showed that the number of car accidents have increased by 65% this year compared to last year’s incidents. In 2018, it has risen to a percentage of 72%. This raises a serious question as to why cases of car accidents have been rampant in the past years.

Research has shown that there are several causes on car accidents: drunk driving, reckless driving, driving in bad weather conditions, driving during nighttime, and the leading cause that is distracted driving. These causes have increased the rate of accidents.

Driving during nighttimes and distracting driving, combined together makes a rather chaotic accident. Due to the lack of vision and visibility, and moments of distraction, nighttime accidents have been reoccurring lately especially in the vicinity of Bacolod City.